Drug crimes are some of the most common criminal charges brought forward in the state of Utah. The state’s laws are understandably harsh to deter people from abusing substances that can cause addiction and harm to all of Utah’s citizens. However, if you are being prosecuted for drug-related crimes, you may get caught up in the stigma against drug crimes, leading to a harsher punishment than you deserve. To have the best hope of a positive outcome in your case, you should look to dedicated and confident lawyers who will fight for your rights and defend you in Utah courts.

At Benjamin Durham Law Firm, we believe in protecting every defendant regardless of their criminal charges. We will listen compassionately to your story and investigate every detail so we can prove that you don’t deserve the full penalties under the law. Whether you have been charged with creating, possessing, or selling drugs, we will use our knowledge and dedication to create the most vigorous defense possible. Contact us today at (385) 342-4300 for a free consultation to see how our talented legal team can help you.

What Are Common Drug Crimes in Utah?

When facing drug charges, it can be helpful to understand exactly what crimes you are accused of. Drug laws in Utah are very strict, with some being considered a misdemeanor and others qualifying as a felony. For help understanding your drug charges, contact our law firm today for the legal advice you need.

Some common drug crimes individuals are accused of in Utah are:

  • Possession of drugs – Possession means having the drug on your person or in a place where you could get it easily. This would include in your home, vehicle, or at work. Marijuana is illegal and would be included in this category.
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia – Even if the actual drug isn’t found, if law enforcement finds objects related to drug use, such as pipes, bongs, clips, or any other item, you can face charges of possession.
  • Cocaine, Heroin, and Methamphetamine – These drugs are illegal and can lead to harsh sentences.
  • Distribution – These charges can include felony sentencing and selling, transporting, or carrying large amounts of drugs.
  • Clandestine Laboratory – Operating a lab where drugs are produced can be an additional conviction a defendant could face with more severe penalties.

What Punishments Come with Drug Offenses?

Convictions of drug crimes come with a wide range of penalties depending on how severe the crime was. Since your case will be unique, you should always contact a legal representative to find out what charges you are facing and what some likely punishments might be.

For lesser crimes, such as a first-time offense, this would be considered a misdemeanor with consequences like up to a year of jail time and fines of up to $2,500. However, repeat offenses and possession of more serious drugs like cocaine and heroin could qualify as a felony. In these cases, convictions might mean up to five years in prison and fines of up to $5,000.

Furthermore, some situations could enhance sentencing making it more severe. For example, if the drug crime was committed in a drug-free location like a school, park, or library, this could lead to a more serious crime and harsher punishments. Another added possibility is the suspension of the person’s driver’s license. This would be part of many convictions in Utah, even if the crime did not occur in or near a vehicle.

Reach out to our criminal defense lawyers immediately for help getting your sentencing reduced or even seeing charges dismissed.

Can a Drug Court Help Me Avoid Conviction?

If you are facing penalties for illegal drug possession or other crimes regarding controlled substances, you might find help by using Utah’s drug court system. In these courts, the defendant essentially pleads guilty to the crime and agrees to go through a treatment program to help them quit using drugs. The program includes counseling, frequent drug testing administered at random times, and multiple appearances in front of a judge. Failing to comply could result in jail time, but completing the program successfully could get your charges dismissed.

For legal advice on whether drug courts might be a good option for you, you should speak with an attorney who can review your case’s details and find the best course of action. Contact our law office today for a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer who can give you counsel and help you build a strong defense against your drug charges.

Can Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Help You?

No matter what crimes you are charged with, you have constitutional rights that must be protected. In Utah’s criminal system, many people face harsher punishments for drug crimes than are really necessary. Please don’t fall into this trap or feel that you have to go it alone in fighting your drug crime charges. Contact a trusted lawyer like those at our law office for help.

Benjamin Durham Law Firm has been helping clients for over twenty years, including people like you who are accused of crimes involving illegal drugs and controlled substances. We understand that this is a very difficult time and that you need support and legal counsel to avoid the most severe penalties. Our proven record of success shows that we have the skill and knowledge necessary to get you the positive results you need in your drug crimes case.

Drug crimes are taken seriously in Utah and can lead to time in prison and a criminal record that could follow you for the rest of your life, making it difficult to find future employment or keep custody of your children in a divorce. Don’t take any chances with the stakes so high. Reach out to us right away at (385) 342-4300 to make an appointment with our compassionate and capable legal team and see what we can do for you.